After spending two decades with Printech, Printpack and Response, I feel very privileged to be writing this message as the Chairman

This is a special time in our company's history as we celebrate our 20th anniversary. We began our journey in year, 1992 and have spent the past decades continuing to build our brand, which has now become synonymous with our commitment to helping our clients share knowledge and create innovation.

The Story

As a company, we have seen much change over the past 10 years. We have nearly doubled our workforce and have embraced diversity and gender balance. We have become the one of the leading provider of print and packaging in this region.

We have expanded our presence globally; we now have major clients in this part of Gulf region. It is also important to note what has not changed in our Business, namely our commitments to providingexceptional client service and to living our core values: Excellence in Everything, Leadership by Example, Integrity and Transparency, Focus on the Client and Employee Centered. Looking ahead, we are focused on accelerating the execution of our growth strategy while continuing to build on the strength of our brand—in helping our clients share knowledge and create innovation and in bringing positive change to the communities in which we work and live. I am incredibly excited about this journey and truly believe the best of this creative business is yet to come. We regularly assess our progress to define ourselves and to achieve better.


Our goal is to be the first choice for our customers and our investors. Our people are focused on safely making money and delivering top-quality results over the business cycle. All our businessesare focused on driving continuous improvement and finding success no matter what market conditions we face by implementing proper business strategies, competitive positioning of the brand for overall financial progress.

Our People

The strongest commitment we can make to our people is to achieve our goal of Mr Mohammed Sadiq Khalil Dawani, is a down to earth gentleman, who always believed in simplicity and hard work and knows how to make dreams into reality. His appeal and insight expands beyond a broad borderless dialogue weaving practicality with idealism. A visionary, founder and a think tank in himself he bought hands on – minds on

approach to the company. His personal involvement and several years of experience in corporate management guided the company to new heights to establish Success. he also added ideas, thoughts and above all life to his vision.

His ability to balance daily operations with new business and client relationships is matched only by his strategic vision for growth and industry leadership. providing not only state of the art in field of design, print and packaging to our clients but also giving an environment to our people to grow and prosper. To break through to the next level of performance, we zeroed in on four main strategies in2012: leading with passion, empowering employees, setting clear expectations, and relentlessly recognizing talent and scope of work.

Caring about people also means working hard to attract, develop and retain the very best talent. Our retention rate is very high and whenever we find gaps in our workplace effectiveness, we quickly implement action plans for improvement at the team level. Nurturing relationships in the marketwhere we operate is important to us as well. Our sales and marketing team is especially active in supporting a wide range of business prospects and constantly come up with new ventures to give us that competitive edge.

Our strategic focus:

In 2003, we launched Response WLL to cater to the creative needs of the market, which establishes clear 2020 goals and milestone metrics along the way. This set the wheels in motion for us to capitalize on our strengths and close gaps in areas of weakness. In 2011, we focused on fully integrating sustainability into our systems and processes, developing sustainability training for employees, and continuing to drive progress against well-established targets.

In the coming years, we will work on addressing any gaps in our policies and practices, driving results in new target areas, and engaging employees at all levels of the company to understand their part helping us achieve our long-term sustainability goals. I would like to thank everyone on this occasion for their support and valuable inputs to make Printech, Printpack and Response a grand success.


Sameer Mohammed Sadiq Khalil Dawani

Young, dynamic entrepreneur with a passion to deliver relevant, considered and engaging work for clients both locally and internationally. An avid reader & sports enthusiast who hits the tennis court in no time and balances himself with martial art and meditation.

His approach is simple; which aims to develop strong long-term relationships with clients. He is currently leading and managing the group of companies to provide world-class products and services.

His vision has moved these companies to the forefront of the leading service providers in Kingdom of Bahrain. His proactive and visionary management approach transformed the companies to become both productive and leaders in their sectors providing excellent and reliable service contributing positively to economy of the country.